CSA Newsletter #9
/Even though the sun is setting earlier and rising a little later in the mornings and school is getting ready to start, I still am having a hard time realizing it is week 9 of our CSA program! Next week will be our last summer pick-up! We sure hope you have enjoyed the season of fresh produce.
It’s always a weird time of year for us on the farm. While we are trying hard to savor these last few weeks of summer, we also are living in the next season. We are jumping ahead and prepping fields for next spring, pulling irrigation lines, getting ready to plant 2023 garlic, and preparing our storage spaces for the winter storage crops. Plus, we are planning and preparing for our Pumpkin Festival which is the first 3 weeks of October. So, we have to force ourselves to stop and enjoy these summer days!
A big shout out to our awesome interns this year: Elise, Tennyson and Hannah. They were lead by our Farm Hand, Monroe all season. These four gals did a phenomenal job of harvesting, weeding, milking, stocking the store and putting the CSA bags together each week. They enjoyed picking the veggies for you and organizing the bags. I’m really going to miss them next week when they go back to school! I love their eagerness to learn, willingness to work hard and their fun chatter about anything and everything!
Our interns (and a few extra who joined a few weeks ago) this summer! (Missing Tennyson S.)
What’s in the bags….
Corn: It’s still going strong! We have eaten it everyday since we started harvesting. It just keeps getting better! We can’t keep it in the store…we sell out everyday!
Cucumbers: Don’t forget to put a few in your water for a refreshing twist!
Zucchini: We gave you a week off but the plants keep producing! They are loving this heat! I’ve been craving sweet desserts lately. So, here is a link to 20 different dessert recipes using zucchini! Zucchini Dessert Recipes
Red onion and white spanish onion: Remember, you can leave onions out and let the leaves dry up. Once they are completely dry, snip them off and your onion is ready to store for a few months!
Carrots: these are just babies but they are sweet and tasty! Great little snacks!
Italian flat leaf parsley
The large shares also received golden beets and your corn is in a separate bag since the yellow bags were SO full! Haha!
Best photo of the week! We were moving lambs back to the main farm and they weren’t cooperating, so Gus threw this one over his shoulders and off he went! The dogs were helping by circling Gus just in case the lamb were to jump….lol!